This is a project for the Nokia Jam 3.

Move the falling blocks to cannect to the bulb and turn on it!

I haven't had enough time to add more levels or sound effects, so this is only a prototype based on a simple idea.

Space/Click the button to start game

A/D to move the block to left or right

Space to drop the block

S to increase falling speed

W to spin the block

Back to title: Q

Reload level: R

Next level: F

The game is quite boring at this point, but anyway, thanks for playing my game.

Made withUnity


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I think it is definitely a cool concept, but I think the tetris time pressure hinders the game. Would be better if you had unlimited time and move at your own pace, or there was a timer and they didn't fall, for more control.

Great idea though!

Cool concept but the game plays painfully slow